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"Mass data processing" tab

The "Mass data processing" add-on helps you process large amounts of data.

If you have licensed the "Mass data processing" add-on, then make the following settings on this tab:



Bulk processing
of database queries

Select this checkbox to switch the interface to bulk processing.

Minimum cache settings

For the caches, the default setting is caching according to experience values. If you want to change the caching setting, then enable the relevant option. You can choose between the following (minimum) settings:

  • No caching
  • Experience-based caching (default setting)
  • Caching of all query results (lazy/batchwise)
  • Complete loading of tables for queries (lazy/complete)
  • Complete loading of all tables before processing (eager)

Caching from file size
(in byte)

You can change the start value for the file size, if necessary. By default, caching is applied to files of 1000 bytes or more.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.