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"Reconciliation" tab

To specify the behaviour of your Portfolio Sync Interface on reconciliation, follow these steps:

  1. In the "Bank" area on the left of the "Settings" window, click the corresponding bank.
  2. Then switch to the "Reconciliation" tab. This is broken down into the "General" and possible further tabs such as the "Pending cash balances" and "Assessed reconciliation" tabs (if licensed).
  3. Select your settings on the "General" tab. For more information on the individual functions, see the following section "General" tab.
  4. On the "Pending cash balances", tab you can enable and configure pending cash balances. For more information on the add-ons that are subject to licensing, see Pending cash balances and "Pending cash balances" tab.
  5. If you use the "Assessed reconciliation" function, you can find the setting options for this add-on on the tab of the same name. For more, see Assessed reconciliation and "Assessed reconciliation" tab.
  6. Confirm your details by clicking the "Apply" button.
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