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"Automatic change to default settlement account" tab

If the "Automatic change to default settlement account" feature is licensed and activated for a securities account, then the account of an order will be automatically replaced with the default settlement account.

To select the securities accounts:

  1. In the Portfolio Sync Interface, select the EDIT, SETTINGS command.
  2. In the "Settings" dialogue window, click the link with the name of your bank in the "Bank" section on the left.
  3. Then switch to the "Import" tab and there to "Transaction data", "Automatic change to default settlement account".
  4. Here, select the "Automatic change to default settlement account" checkbox.
  5. Using the lower controls, enter the relevant securities account numbers in the list.
  6. Save the settings with the "Apply" button.
    Proceed analogously to deactivate the feature again.
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