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Auto login

In the local settings, you can archive a user who is "automatically logged in" for automatic jobs. In this way, you can avoid that any tasks to be performed (for example, via time control) have to wait for a Infront Portfolio Manager user to log in.
To configure the auto login:

  1. Start PSI, if necessary.
  2. Select EDIT, SETTINGS... in the main menu.
  3. Click the "Auto login" entry in the "Local" area of the "Settings" window.
  4. At the top of the window, you see the user name of the logged in user.
  5. By clicking the "Authentication button", you can check the login data of the currently logged in user and authenticate the user by entering the user name and password in the login dialogue window and confirm them with "OK".

  6. After you completed the authentication, close the information window with the result by clicking "OK".
  7. Then confirm your settings with "Apply".

In cases where the time control does not run on the server but on the local workstation, the time control must run under the Windows user that the PSI user uses to log in to Windows.

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