Processing of specific orders without securities side
For certain orders, it may make sense to ignore the associated securities movements. This is particularly true in the context of fund portfolios, with which clients organise their own funds. If these funds are traded externally, then orders "signal" these specific trades with the fund portfolio itself. The cash flows of these orders usually directly influence the liquidity of the fund in its account. The securities movement is usually posted on a special "virtual" securities account on which the sold fund units are posted as negative amounts. Therefore, in these cases, the feature "Processing of specific orders without securities side" is used to post the cash flow entries generated for these orders as cash deposits or withdrawals.
If you have subscribed to the "Verarbeitung von spezifischen Orders ohne Wertpapierseite" feature for ignoring securities movements of certain orders based on securities account number and ISIN, you can define the orders in the bank-specific settings.
To configure orders without securities side, follow these steps:
- In the bank-specific settings, switch to the tab "Import", "Transaction data", "Orders without securities side".
- Select the "Enable processing of certain orders without securities side".
- If you also want to suppress the portfolio reconciliation for these positions, activate the "Ignore corresponding positions during reconciliation" checkbox.
- Add to the list those securities account numbers and ISINs of the orders whose securities movements are to be ignored.
- Confirm the configuration by clicking the "Apply" button.
For the corresponding orders, the securities movements are then ignored and, depending on the respective direction or sign of the transaction, a cash deposit or cash withdrawal is posted with a corresponding transaction number (suffix "_OAP").
This feature is licensable and useful for all interfaces that also support orders.