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Asset composition

In various scenarios of asset management, it makes sense to different assets of a client separately (in separate zones). The "asset composition" in PSI Transaction Data allows you to save client portfolio-related assignments of the accounts to assets. Depending on the number of assets, PSI Transaction Data automatically generates several "clones" of the client portfolio, each of which can thus be managed separately in Infront Portfolio Manager.

As the backend does not know this composition, it can and must be configured via the asset composition (original unofficial name was "VT23") in PSI.

Using a list of assignments (holder number, sequence number, account number), PSI clones the portfolios in the specified quantity, adds a sequence number at the front or end, and creates the accounts under the corresponding portfolios in line with the configuration.

To use the asset composition, the custodian bank holding the account or securities account must provide master data (holder, portfolio, account, securities account).

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